Please don't say, you don't have the habit of celebrating your birthday.
Avoid Cutting Cakes with candles.
Avoid using Knife for cutting cakes.
Do not use any Candles to blow off. Its not a good thing to blow off the lights on your birthday.
You must celebrate your Birthday, by following these 9 steps:
(1) Take a head bath in early morning. use any conditioner(coconut oil) to your hair. and Massage your body with some body massaging oils. Wear new or Clean cloths.
(2) Pray for your Favorite or Family God.
(3) Mix - Cows milk, Sigar cane, Black Sesame Seeds together. Put this mixture on your right hand and drink for 3 times.
(4) Remember the names - Ashwadhama, Bhali, Vyasudu, Vibheshanudu, Hanuman, Krupacharyudu, Parushuramudu. Just remember these 7 names. They are Saptha Chiranjeeva's, means they don't have any death by birth.
(5)Take blessings from your parents and teacher.
(6)Go to nearest temple and get blessings from god. Also do Archana and Abhishekam. Especially for Lord shiva - The lord for Nava Grahas.
(7)Offer food to Poor and Needy, this is very important on your birthday. If you cannot able to do this, at least offer some green grass to a cow.
(8)Eat a Full meal in your lunch time.
(9)Do not participate in sex on your Birthday or in the night.
Avoid Cutting Cakes with candles.
Avoid using Knife for cutting cakes.
Do not use any Candles to blow off. Its not a good thing to blow off the lights on your birthday.
You must celebrate your Birthday, by following these 9 steps:
(1) Take a head bath in early morning. use any conditioner(coconut oil) to your hair. and Massage your body with some body massaging oils. Wear new or Clean cloths.
(2) Pray for your Favorite or Family God.
(3) Mix - Cows milk, Sigar cane, Black Sesame Seeds together. Put this mixture on your right hand and drink for 3 times.
(4) Remember the names - Ashwadhama, Bhali, Vyasudu, Vibheshanudu, Hanuman, Krupacharyudu, Parushuramudu. Just remember these 7 names. They are Saptha Chiranjeeva's, means they don't have any death by birth.
(5)Take blessings from your parents and teacher.
(6)Go to nearest temple and get blessings from god. Also do Archana and Abhishekam. Especially for Lord shiva - The lord for Nava Grahas.
(7)Offer food to Poor and Needy, this is very important on your birthday. If you cannot able to do this, at least offer some green grass to a cow.
(8)Eat a Full meal in your lunch time.
(9)Do not participate in sex on your Birthday or in the night.